Sunday, September 28, 2008

First off, I would like this to be published as a book someday. I want to tell my child (as of right now, unborn and of unknown gender to myself and you, the reader) things that occur to me during daily life as I think of them. Humans are fallible and I will, without fail, forget to tell him/her certain life lessons as time marches ever onward from the present to the future. I want my baby to read this when it will matter to him/her the most, after their adolescence and before their first child enters upon this world. In other words, I want them to read this at the point, in my life, when it was written and when will actually mean something to them. Not before, and not after. That being said (actually written), I propose to write this for him/her, with the knowledge that I may never finish it, and the hope that my words will not be taken out of the context from a loving father, faithful to the God who created us all, to his child, a gracious and merciful blessing not to keep, but to guide, to cherish and to protect.

_._:_Derek J. DeBoer_:_._