I used to support our family monetarily, however your mother's working made it possible for me to take off of gainful employment to follow my career path. I got a degree in broadcasting, with a specialty in advertising, and have been looking for a job for the last four months of her pregnancy with you. I try hard. I look for jobs online and in the real world (like going in to a store and filling out applications).
I'm also in the process of quitting smoking: from a pack of cigarettes a day (about a year ago) to none today (except if I can find someone to bum me one). Not only will this save my health and well-being, but it will save our family approximately $15 a week (respectable smokes are only about $4 a pack now). That may not seem like much, but a sacrifice is a sacrifice. No matter how much someone else sees you give up, when you start (like regular exercise) or stop (like quitting smoking) something for the sake of your own body and your family, you place yourself on a road to a better life.Just like your mother not knowing what it is for me to quit smoking or to find a job to support us, I don't know what it is for her to be carrying you. I can imagine the pain of a growing waistline and muscle aches. I can imagine having feet that won't fit into your shoes because they're too swollen. I can imagine what's going through her head when she knows I'm at home and she's working. I know how she must feel that I don't know what she's going through, but I do.
I want you to know that she is going through a lot just to meet you. She wants nothing more than to see you for the first time and to hold your tiny arms in her strong ones. She would rather you be healthy and happy than to have any possession that this planet could give you.
I want everything she does, but I want to be able to support our family the right way. I want to make sure your mom only has to worry about you, like when you will cry when you're hungry or need changing. I want to make you her focus, and not the rest of the vain things of this life. I can wait patiently to be your father, because I made a promise to support her and to be her husband first.
I love you and your mother more than anything in the world, and if I could convey that with simpler words, I would. Sometimes your mom and I will fight, and it will never be your fault. The things of life are hard to understand, no matter how old you are.
It's hard to just look someone in the eye and tell them what you feel. This will never get easier.
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